Get Your Summer On – Yin Sequence


Yin is one of my favourite practices in summer, to offset the sweat and action. It brings us to a place of cool, calm grounding. A chance to reset. This summer I'm quietly obsessed with the mixes of the excellent Christian Ralston aka Dj Super C. This mix here is particularly rocking my world.

Here is a Yin Yoga mix i have put together. Ive been working on it for while and Im now really happy with it. Its full of great music. When you are sitting still in Yin Yoga you have space to pick up the magic in the music.

Add it to my sweet hour long summery yin flow and it's a match made in balmy heaven. 
Enjoy beauties everywhere!

  • Prana Squared: 5-10 minutes
  • Wide Knee Childs Pose: 5 minutes
  • Dragon Lunges: 5 minutes each side
  • Virasana: 5-8 minutes
  • Frog: 5-8 minutes
  • Wide Leg Forward Fold: 5 minutes
  • Box Pose: 5 minutes with each leg in front
  • Pentacle Pose: 5 minutes

Be sure to rest in between each pose for a minute or two. Go with what feels good in your body and remember to move as slowly and mindfully as you can.... move like your moving through honey. Slow, gentle, deliberate. And take rest at the end. 

Kellie Jones